Not only am I a social media (SM) devotee personally (have you seen my sweet Tok Tok dances?), I truly see the value in using it professionally. Committing to a SM strategy, learning from your successes and failures, and adjusting it along the way will help grow your business.
With nearly half of the world’s population using social media platforms, they are a natural place to connect with potential customers. Here is how it can help your biz!
Increase brand awareness … a modern-day yellow pages
Drive traffic to your website ... BOOM - this is where those sales happen!
Generate new leads ... get people familiar with your brand and keep them returning
Grow revenue by increasing sign-ups or sales
Boost brand engagement ... who wouldn’t want to be top of mind?
Build a community around your business ... “Netgiving” over Networking
Provide SM customer service ... a no brainer
Here is a step by step approach to take when mapping out your SM plan
1. Strategy planning and execution
Map out your marketing plan by month depending on what is happening in your business. What you post each week should tie back into your sales goals. Create eye-catching posts as well as videos that communicate what you are all about to your audience. Mix it up and have fun!
2. Understand how content works on SM
First, make sure you are on the right platform. Most people use Instagram and Facebook. There are loads of others (Twitter, YouTube, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc) but in the beginning,
it’s good to keep it simple. The key is to be on the platform your audience is on! You can even use a scheduling system and batch all of your content to go out when you want. HELLO time saver!
3. Use a creative mindset and writing skills
You know your business better than anyone. People are a part of your audience because you add value or maybe they just enjoy following you.
Try to use a variety of posting ideas when you map out your content. Sales Focused, Personal touch, “Did you knows”, and things that add value!.
I am sure most of you are using SM to help run and grow your business but it’s good to remember its value, even if you don’t see the impact every day.
When in doubt, you can always contact your local Social Media Marketer for 1:1 training!